
pooroni @ 05/09/13 02:08 | Permalink | →note - reds | Trackbacks | (9) Comments

Ʈ ּ :

두번째 사진 무지 마음에 듭니다.
마지막 사진은...모기의 테러이거나(벅벅 긁지 않았으면 무효~*)
슬리퍼양의 테러이거나...(쓱쓱~*쓸리지 않았으면 역시;;;무효~*)
알다리Բ 05/09/13 20:45 ۼ.

ㅎㅎ 모기도 물리고 신발에 쓸리기도 했어요 ^^ 저를 끌고다니느라 고생하는 발다리...
pooroniԲ 05/09/14 13:01 ۼ.

Today was a loss. Whatever. I haven't gotten much done lately, but I guess it doesn't bother me. I've just been sitting around doing nothing. Eh.
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My life's been generally unremarkable recently. I've just been hanging out waiting for something to happen. It's not important. Whatever. Not much on my mind recently.
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I can't be bothered with anything recently. I just don't have anything to say lately. I've just been letting everything wash over me. That's how it is. Not much on my mind.
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Pretty much nothing seems worth bothering with. Shrug. I've just been staying at home doing nothing. My mind is like a void, but it's not important.
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I've basically been doing nothing , but such is life. My mind is like a complete blank. Nothing seems worth doing.
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Today was a complete loss. Not much on my mind recently, but oh well. My mind is like an empty room, but shrug.
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Basically nothing seems worth bothering with. I haven't gotten much done these days, but eh. I've just been letting everything wash over me recently. My mind is like a fog. Oh well. I can't be bothered with anything these days.
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