중요하다고 생각되는 것이나 오래 보고싶은 것들을 벽이나 책상 주변에 붙여놓는다. 잘 보이는 곳에 두면 많이 보고 보는 횟수가 늘수록 머리속에 도장이라도 찍힐것이라 생각하나보다. 하지만 옆에 있는 것일수록 항상 보면서도 새삼스럽게 보게되질 않으면서 오히려 잊어버리는 경우가 많다,

pooroni @ 06/02/11 11:23 | Permalink | →note - daily | Trackbacks | (7) Comments

Ʈ ּ :

헉 싸인을 버리시다니;;;; ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 막 웃었어요. 저는 메모, 알람, 피디에이, 핸드폰 등등 여러가지를 써봤지만 다 효과가 없는것같아요, 머리를 뜯어고쳐야하나...
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I just don't have anything to say these days, but it's not important. Oh well. Whatever. Not that it matters.
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Basically not much noteworthy happening. Today was a loss. My mind is like a bunch of nothing.
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My life's been generally dull lately. Maybe tomorrow. Not that it matters. I haven't been up to much today. My mind is like a complete blank. I guess it doesn't bother me.
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I just don't have much to say right now. Not much on my mind today. I guess it doesn't bother me. Whatever.
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More or less nothing seems worth thinking about. I haven't been up to anything lately. Maybe tomorrow. My mind is like an empty room, but oh well. I've just been letting everything happen without me recently, but whatever.
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