원래 가을을 싫어하는데 얼마전에 가을이 (추운겨울이 다가오는 징조의) 위험스러운 공기의 계절이란 말을 듣고부터 가을이 별로 싫지 않다. 위험스럽단 표현이 맘에 든다.
Ʈ ּ :
mjԲ 06/10/23 21:01 ۼ.
옹, 내일이네 ㅎㅎ 언니 퇴근안했삼???
pooroniԲ 06/10/23 22:19 ۼ.
I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. I guess it doesn't bother me. I can't be bothered with anything recently. More or less nothing seems worth bothering with. Not much on my mind today, but so it goes. Such is life.
tramadol no prescriptionԲ 07/04/08 22:27 ۼ.
I haven't gotten anything done lately. Today was a total loss. My life's been pretty boring today. I haven't been up to much lately.
paper doll heavenԲ 07/04/24 01:18 ۼ.
Today was a loss. Eh. Oh well. I haven't gotten anything done lately. I just don't have anything to say lately.
tramadol hclԲ 07/04/28 15:41 ۼ.
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